Studio Addition

Here's my new drafting table. It's a beauty! It's a replication of a 1920's french drafting table. They are handmade to order and mine will be showing up mid-March of 2010. Years ago when I headed off to art school, I had a new table. Unfortunately, it was stolen in 1995. Since then, I've made due with an old loaner table from my good friend, Todd Casey. I ended up replacing the top, but one leg was broken, so it wobbles when you lean on it. I'm pretty excited to get this new one! I've already decided to change my whole studio around when it arrives.


  1. I'll be expecting the loaner back, post haste by the middle of March 2010. Or, if you prefer, suffer the humiliation of the small claims court system of Vermont... GOOD DAY SIR!
